Different Ways You Can Make Your Customers Feel Welcome!
Different Ways You Can Make Your Customers Feel Welcome! – 10 Different Ways
You only get one chance to make a good first impression, so make it count. When you welcome a visitor to your office, you can use the same phrase. It doesn’t matter if you’re having a brainstorming session with a business partner, a job interview, or a board of directors welcome dinner. There are numerous strategies to ensure that your first impression of a guest in your office is always positive, and that your client is impressed by your office, employees, and overall professionalism.
Clients return because of a positive or exceptional client experience. It’s critical to make your customers feel as comfortable as possible. It is the most crucial aspect of a positive client experience. With all of today’s technology paired with old-fashioned politeness, you’ll be able to rise to the top of any client’s list. The best part is that it is completely free, and anyone can do it with a little planning and instruction.
Before you meet them, prepare yourself.
It makes no difference if you’ve had a very stressful day. However, you are not permitted to bring your own belongings into a meeting. So, before you walk into a meeting, drink a glass of water and take a deep breath to refresh yourself.
Because your client will entrust you with their personal information as well as their company ideas and concerns, it is critical that you remain focused. They are deserving of your undivided attention.
Welcome any and all visitors.
This may seem self-evident, but many front-desk personnel mumble and are frequently unpleasant in such instances. It’s critical that you say Good morning or afternoon in a pleasant, calm, yet loud enough tone that all office visitors would appreciate.
Always remember to smile.
Make an effort to smile before meeting your client. When your client walks in, you must put on a good wide smile, regardless of how worried or irritated you are. To be a true professional, you must put your client’s requirements ahead of your own.
When you smile, your body releases endorphins, which make you feel calmer. So, if you’ve had a long and difficult day, it’ll help you forget about it for a time.
Your client should be greeted by someone.
Nowadays, greeting clients by front-deck personnel is a rare occurrence. If your office does not have such a person on staff, make sure you arrive at the office ten minutes early to greet your client. If you are unable to meet them yourself, have your assistant or an employee do so on your behalf.
Pose inquiries.
Consider a hair salon with hundreds of various products that serve a variety of purposes. If a customer requests hairspray, simply selling them any hairspray will not suffice. You can ask them just what kind of hold, scent, liquid, spritz, or mist they want. Rather than dealing with a client complaint when a product fails to perform as expected, take a moment to ask additional, often critical questions.
Put on a professional appearance.
Be sure to dress and act properly because you will be the first person a potential customer sees. Wearing provocative clothing that can upset clients is not a good idea. Instead, choose for conservative, professional attire that is suited for your workplace. Customers will feel more at ease during a sales transaction if you exhibit a nice, maintained image.
When greeting a client, use their name.
You can make a more meaningful encounter for your client by greeting them by name. Have your front-desk personnel greet your customers with a warm smile and their names.
Receiving a cordial greeting by name when they arrive into the office is nothing more flattering, and nothing makes the client feel more cherished.
Set up a lobbying board for them.
This is a very basic but thoughtful gesture that takes only a few minutes to put together. This thoughtful gesture will demonstrate how much you care about their experience at your office, and it may influence their decision to do business with you rather than your competitor.
Have An Entrance That Is Inviting
It’s critical to understand that your office layout can influence the overall feel and mood of your workplace for your employees, as well as for your clients. Instead of simply a few waiting room seats, add some nice furniture to your entrance area. Several green plants should be used to decorate the area. All of these suggestions can help your clients feel more at ease before your appointment.
Give a genuine smile.
Smiling is the most important thing you can do to make clients feel welcome. Put a grin on your face when clients come in, even if you’re worried, distracted, or upset. A true professional is one who prioritises the demands of the client before his or her own personal problems.
When you’re on the phone, smile.
On the phone, it is generally believed that people can hear a smile. Your tone, intonation, and velocity of speaking all send positive energy. When you smile on the phone, studies show that your mood improves and your eagerness to help rises.
The appearance of the office.
First impressions are important because they last a long time. An appealing and well-kept reception space not only conveys to clients that their comfort is a top priority, but also that you run a well-run firm that they can entrust with their money.
A cluttered atmosphere communicates to others that you don’t give a damn, which isn’t a winning attitude. It implies that you don’t value or respect your company’s operations.
Avoid blaming an untidy office on a backlog of work.
This indicates either a lack of time management skills or a shortage of staffing resources, requiring you to cut corners. To clients, this may imply that you don’t have enough time to devote to their business.
Are the periodicals in your welcome area current and relevant, or are they dog-eared copies of last year’s Good Housekeeping strewn on the coffee table? Extend the idea beyond the front desk.
Get a sense of where you’re going.
You’ll be the one asked where the restroom is, where supplies are kept, and a slew of other fundamental questions about the business as the one sitting behind the front desk. Make sure you can simply direct people to the fundamental areas of the office, such as the restroom, water fountain, copy and fax machines, and supply closet.
Maintain your composure.
As the person in charge of dealing with visitors to and from an office, you’re bound to be thrown into a difficult position now and then: several visitors at once; multiple phone lines ringing at the same time; queries you don’t know the answers to. Maintaining calm in any scenario is critical to offering excellent support.
Before they even walk through the door, your clients’ experience begins. Everything should be tidy and clean, from the parking lot to the restroom. Making an extra effort, such as providing refreshments or playing soothing music in the welcome area, shows clients that you value their business.
Welcome your customers.
As soon as a client walks through the door, greet them. If at all possible, address them by their first names. Make eye contact and smile even if you are on the phone or with another client. Greet them with a high-energy handshake and a smile as soon as you are able.
Show genuine concern for your customers.
Harvey MacKay highlights the importance of understanding things about your consumer that make him or her feel special in his book “Swim with the Sharks.” Find out your client’s spouse’s and children’s names. Inquire about them by their given names.
What are some of your client’s favourite pastimes? Ask your customer about it the next time you see him if he says he’s preparing to run his first 5K. Even better, read the results in your local newspaper and congratulate him on his time! Did his son just win the state championship for his high school basketball team? Place the newspaper piece in the client’s file and hand it along to him the next time he visits.
When all of these small pieces of information are combined, they produce a unique link with that person.
Remove all sources of distraction.
Clients can be irritated by distractions such as ringing phones or disruptions from other personnel. For meetings, find a calm and secluded location and request that you not be disturbed.
Silence the ringer and let your answering machine do what it was supposed to do if you’re a small business owner with twin responsibilities of greeting and client meetings. Concentrating on the client ensures that she has your whole attention.
Allow your employees to take a break (room).
Make a separate location for employees to take their breaks. Allowing them to congregate at the door is not a good idea. Providing the same courtesy to your employees as you do to your consumers helps to develop satisfied employees who are eager to go the additional mile for your customers.
Make an electronic greeting.
Even if you don’t have a physical store and instead run a web-based business, you may make customers feel welcome when they visit your site. Send a welcome email to visitors who sign up for your site by leaving their email addresses. Thank them for visiting your website and tell them about the services or products you provide. Then invite them to visit you again.
Continue to communicate.
After you’ve given your new client a warm welcome, keep in touch with them on a frequent basis. Respond to each email promptly, and refer to each client by name.
You could wish to send out a monthly or quarterly newsletter, as well as notifications about local events and technical suggestions. By including a survey link at the end of an article or blog post, you can solicit client feedback. Allow clients to leave comments on blog entries, and when they do, thank them. Always remember to thank your guests for their feedback. Their time is valuable, and showing your gratitude can encourage them to return.
Another place to continue the discussion is on social media. Make it clear to your clients that you are listening to their issues and that their input is valued.
Final Thoughts
Your clients will want to work with you more if they feel welcomed in your office. This illustrates why training your employees and upgrading your facilities to create a wonderful office is a worthwhile investment.
Remember to personalise each encounter for your clients to make it more memorable for them. You’ll discover that being friendly is not just courteous, but also beneficial to your organisation.
Say “thank you”
At the conclusion of a transaction or correspondence, thank each client. Let them know how much you appreciate their business and how eager you are to see them again. They’ll be more likely to come back if they know their business is valued.
In a nutshell, remember the golden rule: “treat your clients the way you want to be treated.” Put the client first and be pleasant and gracious.